With a lawful compliancy portfolio that's in use since 2001 and global installations at networks covering millions of subscribers, EVE compliancy solutions is the leading provider of lawful compliancy solutions for telecommunications operators.

Our dedicated staff shares a strong engineering culture. We challenge ourselves to constantly improve our range of compliancy products. All EVE staff have been security screened and selected staff owns a NATO clearance.

EVE is a full member and dedicated attendee of the ETSI committee for Lawful Interception (TC LI) and 3GPP SA3-LI. EVE acts as TC LI vice-chairman and rapporteur of the handover specifications for messaging services (TS 102 232 part 2), intercepted IP traffic (TS 102 232 part 3) and IP Multimedia/VOIP (TS 102 232 part 5).

EVE compliancy solutions is ISO 27001 certified.


We deliver our solutions in turnkey projects including design, testing and project management.

EVE offers training for both systems/software engineers and the security staff performing the day-to-day tasks on the systems. Trainings can be held at EVE premises or onsite at your offices.

We work with experienced local integration partners where applicable. Partner staff is thoroughly trained in the installation and use of our products and offer regional support on hardware and first-line support on the software.


Delivering the best product with excellent support is what we aim for. Therefore all installations are backed by a configurable support SLA that covers helpdesk, 24x7 incident handling and continuous software updates.

New versions of the handover protocols are released regularly. Your network is constantly changing as new services are introduced. Questions from law enforcement agencies come in. We understand that your legal obligations do not stop when the LI software is installed.

Therefore, EVE customers get unlimited access to our online Support Area. Which includes access to the latest software packages, HTML, PDF and EPUB versions of all EVE documentation. And the ability to submit a support ticket online. Apart from our online presence, we are always happy to talk to you on the phone.

Our History

  • 1997: started as Pine Internet
  • 2001: first lawful interception customers
  • 2003: continued under the name Pine Digital Security offering both security and LI related products and services
  • 2012: split off as Pine Lawful Interception to focus solely on LI products and services. The security services unit continued as Pine Digital Security
  • 2015: Pine Digital Security was sold
  • 2016: continued as EVE compliancy solutions to offer a broader range of (LEA) compliancy related products and services
  • 2018: joined 3GPP SA3-LI to actively contribute on 5G lawful interception standardization