We deliver the industry-leading lawful interception
solution, based on open source components and running
on your preferred off-the-shelf x86 hardware platform
or (NFV-based) virtual servers.
Built around an open RESTful API, our EVE solution
offers cost-efficient and reliable lawful interception
compliancy for communications service providers.
EVE Benefits
- Compatible with electronic warrant interfaces (HI1)
- Integrates with any type of network
- Compliant with all standardized handover interfaces
- Serves multiple Law Enforcement Agencies from one solution
- JSON-based Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)
- Virtualization and 5G/NFV ready
Built to scale
EVE is modular, scalable and suitable for the largest
carrier environments. Over 70 different Interception
Functions integrate with virtually any network vendor
on the market.
The Interception Functions cover
specific areas of your network and/or specific services
(e.g. mobile circuit-switched, mobile packet-switched,
residential voice, residential IP, e-mail, etc.).
Depending on traffic load and geo-redundancy
requirements, one or multiple Delivery Functions can be
deployed to collect the intercepted traffic from the
Interception Functions. A single Management Function
administers all Interception and Delivery Functions.
Built to perform
5G brings high bandwidth to the UE and lawful
interception needs to keep up with that. Our
decade-long experience with high-speed interception
assures that 5G interception compliancy is not an
Software performance is not only about speed though.
We enforce strict guidelines on our GUI to achieve
user-friendliness, low page-loading times and prevent
mistakes. We show detailed metrics to help you manage
system health and find performance bottlenecks. Our
bundled installer helps to have a complete system
running in 60 minutes.
Built to resist
Anything in an integrated environment may fail and we
know that. That is why EVE is geo-redundant, includes
automatic backups by default and self-heals where
When an error cannot be handled automatically, EVE will
notify your NOC. Our continuous integration development
process results in automated testing of every change.
Built to be secure
No default credentials, keys and certificates.
Automated periodic integrity checks on all network
functions. A thorough code review process. A detailed
audit trail of all changes. Permission-based user
Just a few items out of the never-complete list of
security properties we find important when building and
running compliancy software.
Built to comply
Because we attend every meeting of
we know what is happening in the compliancy
standardization community and can actively contribute
to the standards.
This means that you will benefit from the most
compliant solution on the market. EVE has been tested
with all law enforcement equipment that is out there.
Our attendance ensures we have a clear vision on
changing requirements and allows us to adapt on-time.